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Which EFL exam has the highest student recognition?

Which EFL exam has the highest student recognition?

International students have a lot of options when it comes to choosing an EFL exam. But how many students actually know the range of EFL exams on offer in today’s English language learning market?

A recent survey of more than 200 students at the English Studio London showed just how enduring brands can be. Of the 207 students surveyed more than 80% of respondents were aware of IELTS; 72% of TOEFL and just under 65% of Cambridge First Certificate.

Not a great surprise given the significance of those exams in both academic progression, employment and immigration. Other exams have more work to do though to raise their profiles. The once mighty TOEIC languished at a recognition rate of less than 30% and the great unknown appears to be the Pearson Test of English with a recognition score of less than 10%.

Overall the Cambridge suite fared well with recognition ranging from 43% for Proficiency up to the 65% for the First Certificate. Lagging some way behind were the Trinity ISI and GESE with 16% and 11% respectively.

Interestingly, despite their awareness of the different brands fewer than 5% of the students surveyed had actually taken any one of the exams listed.

But the desire is there – an enormous 81% of the students surveyed answered ‘yes’ to the question “Are you interested in taking an English Language Exam?”

Looking for an EFL exam? Then we can help…

We offer a range of Cambridge exams here at English Studio London so if you have questions about taking an EFL exam then contact us now.

*The survey was conducted between February 15th and 22nd 2016. There were 207 students in the survey with a range of proficiency levels represented.

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