Ireland student visa information

Do I need an entry visa?

If your country is not on the list below, you need to obtain a visa before travelling to Ireland. It is recommended to contact the Irish Embassy or Consulate closest to you. If there is no Irish Embassy or Consulate in your country of permanent residence or home state, please contact your nearest Irish Embassy or Consulate for further information as to where your application should be sent. Alternatively, our team can advise you on your Study Visa application prior to coming to Ireland.

Countries whose citizens are not required to be in possession of a valid Irish visa:

Andorra, Guatemala, Poland, Antigua & Barbuda, Guyana, Portugal, Argentina, Honduras, Romania, Australia, Hong Kong (Special Admin. Region), Saint Kitts & Nevis, Austria, Hungary, Saint Lucia, Bahamas, Iceland, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Barbados, Israel, Samoa, Belgium, Italy, San Marino, Belize, Japan, Seychelles, Bolivia, Kiribati, Singapore, Botswana, Latvia, Slovak Republic, Brazil, Lesotho, Slovenia, Brunei, Liechtenstein, Solomon Islands, Bulgaria, Lithuania, South Africa, Canada, Luxembourg, South Korea, Chile, Macau (Special Admin. Region), Spain, Costa Rica, Swaziland, Croatia, Malaysia, Sweden, Cyprus, Maldives, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Malta, Taiwan, Denmark, Tonga, Dominica, Mexico, Trinidad & Tobago, El Salvador, Monaco, Tuvalu, Estonia, Nauru, United Kingdom & Colonies, Fiji, Netherlands, United States of America, Finland, New Zealand, Uruguay, France, Nicaragua, Vanuatu, Germany, Norway, Vatican City, Greece, Panama, Grenada, Paraguay.

For a fully to date list please go to whose nationals are visa required

Study Visa Guidelines

Whether you are a student planning to undertake education in Ireland or you are continuing your studies for a subsequent year, your course should reflect a number of considerations; the Irish Immigration requirements, different levels of studies available and the optimum educational progression path.

The English Studio welcomes students from all over the world that wish to undertake education in English Language Courses. There are guidelines developed for students by the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) to help them understand the rules regarding programme choice and different categories of study.

The latest INIS guidelines and requirements are available on the official INIS website under the student section. It is the student’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with INIS guidelines and requirements, but our team are ready to help with interpretation of these guidelines and advise on programme choice.

Main conditions for Language or Non-degree programme students:

– The maximum time a student may stay in Ireland for the purpose of attending courses at language/non degree level is limited to two years

– You will need a Letter of Acceptance from the college, confirming you have been accepted and enrolled on a course of full-time day-time education involving a minimum of 15 hours organised daytime tuition each week between the hours of 9am and 5pm

– You must have proof that fees have been paid to the college. Where your fees are below €6,000, the full amount of the fees must be paid in advance

– You must have access to €3,000 at first registration. This is in addition to your course fees.

– All students are required to have private medical insurance, either personally or through a group scheme operated by your college, at time of registration in accordance with the conditions set out below regarding private medical insurance.

– Students must keep their attendance rate above 85%, in order to maintain their Student status in Ireland.

For full conditions and requirements – please go to Guidelines – New Immigration Regime for Full Time non-EEA Students

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