How To Learn English Faster

In this day and age, we expect things instantly and if something takes a little longer than we initially thought, we tend to lose interest. This includes learning English! Although learning English is a process that shouldn’t be rushed, we have come up with a list of 10 tops to help you learn English Faster. And best of all, we’ve tried to keep them as fun and simple as possible!

Why is English Hard to Learn?

English can be a challenging language for beginners, which is partly due to its intricate grammar rules, tricky pronunciation and expansive vocabulary. Becoming fluent in the English language is no easy feat, there are a variety of accents that make it harder for non native speakers. 

To make things more complicated, the English language has gathered words from other languages over the years, which is another hurdle for non-native speakers to overcome.

That being said, we believe our top 10 tips will be the catalyst to improve your proficiency in the English language. Dedication, patience, and regular practice will be at the forefront of our key recommendations. 

How Long Does It Take to Learn English?

The answer to this question is…that it depends! Research indicates that it can take between 5-7 years to become fluent in English. However, this varies based on the time you’re spending on it each week and the age you are. 

Everyone is different and some individuals pick things up quicker than others. It also depends on the current language you speak, as certain grammar, vocabulary and punctuation can be somewhat similar compared to other languages. 

Other factors to consider include your patience to learn the English language, how much you practice and if you’re self taught or have a teacher to help. 

Unsure where your current level of English is at? Take our free English Test. It only takes 10 minutes!

1. Watch Netflix…in only English!

That’s right! We want you to watch your favourite shows… only in English. Watching TV programs and movies that you can replay and rewind allows you to learn the dialogue with the luxury of going back, pausing and making sense of the conversations taking place.

It also helps you to learn local expressions, understand the humour and eventually you’ll begin to understand English being spoken at a normal speed too!

Make a list of films and shows that are popular in the UK, so you can pick up on the current language and start to understand more conversations that are happening around you. It will take time, but as we know practice makes perfect!

2.  Learn English on the go

Wherever you go, carry a notebook with you (or if you’re techier, use your phone’s notes section) and write down any new words that you see and hear. Later on, look up the meaning of these words and find out how you could use them in sentences. 

By doing this, you’ll cement any new words that you’ve learned in your memory, be able to put them into practice and you’ll speed up the English learning process. 

If you have a passion for reading, why not pick up a book from a local library or bookshop and become immersed in a popular author? Dr Suess is a favourite author of ours who has a plethora of books for non-native English speakers to choose from.

3. Read English Children’s Books

In order to learn English faster, especially when you first begin, start by reading children’s books! Not only are they pretty to look at, children’s books also use simple grammar and vocabulary with a lot of repetition; making them the perfect place to start your reading practice. For a list of children’s books that you could try, click here.

4. Build English Vocabulary with Prefixes & Suffixes

Learning a range of prefixes and suffixes is a great way of expanding your vocabulary with minimal effort and mental strain. Why? Because it feels like you’re only learning one new word, for the price of two! For example, after learning the word ‘happy’, you can then learn the word ‘unhappy’. Click here for a list of prefixes and suffixes you can start memorising today.

5. Learn English through Hobbies 

When you’re in English classes, you have to learn whatever your teacher has organised for that day, but when you’re at home you have the luxury of learning exactly what you want to! Why not make it fun and tailor your learning around your hobbies and interests. For example, if you love football, learn new football terminology and if you love animals, learn how you can make conversation based around them.

6. Have a Friend Correct You 

Having a friend correct your English can help you get into good habits and is a great way to learn the English language faster. You will pick up certain conversational skills and cues that you can use in other situations. 

 7.  Visit an English Speaking Country

Another effective way to speed up your progression in learning English is to visit an English speaking country. The dominance of the English language is evident. 

There are various countries to visit which can help you learn the language and have an unforgettable experience simultaneously. 

You can create an experience based on the experience you want. For example, if you’re wanting a hot weather escape then Australia will be your best option. But there are many places to consider such as  New Zealand, the UK, the US, Canada, and South Africa, among others!

8. Track Your English Learning Time

Set aside a certain amount of time per day to work on your English. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be much time at all; even setting aside as little as 15 minutes a day to learn English will eventually pay off. 

Make sure you switch it up every day to keep yourself engaged; a few days focusing on reading, a few on speaking and some days on writing. You’ll notice an improvement in no time.

Create a diary to keep track of your learning time, this will enable you to be on top of things you covered before as well as a good way to fresh your brain. 

9. Practice makes a Perfect English Student

If you don’t have anyone to regularly practice your English with, practice with yourself! Seeing yourself speaking English will not only be a great motivator, as it can be quite exciting seeing yourself speak in another language but making eye contact and speaking to yourself will also help you grow in confidence when it eventually comes time to speak English with someone else. 

Do this for 10-15 minutes at a minimum of 3 times a week and your speaking and pronunciation is bound to improve.Be mindful that it’s going to be slow progress but if you find that there is no notable improvement over a month or so increase your time by another 15 minutes and see track to see if this helps. 

Many of our English students at The English Studio have been through a similar process. It enabled them to grow their confidence little by little and see big improvement over time. 

10. Do an English Course!

Doing an English course, in an English speaking country is one of, if not the most effective ways to learn English faster. Our Intensive English course is perfect for students who want to learn English fast and within a limited time frame.  So if you’re serious about fast-tracking your English communication skills, get in touch with us today!


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