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Learning begins at 40, 50, 60… didn’t you know?!

Learning begins at 40, 50, 60… didn’t you know?!

Have you ever wanted to learn a new language but let age and life get in the way? Here at English Studio Dublin, one of the largest providers of high quality education to international students in Ireland, we believe you’re never too old to get stuck in – so we’ve made it easy…

We’re launching a new initiative aimed exclusively at mature students looking for the complete package. Our team will provide everything you need to make your journey a comfortable one, including visa, insurance and accommodation assistance. Current student Sergio Grecco, 68, said: “The school gave me support in relation to the visa plus tips about the city and festivals.”

Along with our first-rate English classes daily, students who enrol get the chance to mingle with students from all levels in extra practice sessions – we have writing courses, pronunciation classes and of course, grammar workshops.  “When I was looking for language schools my cousin suggested English Studio Dublin. Then I decided to come and check for myself,” said Solange Andrade.

And learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom! Extra-curricular activities such as theatre, Irish city breaks and museum tours are also part of the TES experience, scheduled specially to cater to mature students’ interests. So if you know anyone – your folks, your neighbour or a colleague – looking to study English TES Dublin is waiting on you.

For Eddie O’Loughlin, the school’s Managing Director, prospective students wanting to advance or even change career can avail of the opportunity. “We offer an interactive environment for mature students, and seek partners in Dublin to receive these distinguished students with volunteer activities.”
There’s no age limit to learning English so get in touch at [email protected] or courseadvisor@englishstudio-dublin.com for more information.

Learning English changed my life – Alex Espejel
Fluency Magazine – Edition 4

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