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Learning a second language and what it means to me – Débora Silva

Learning a second language and what it means to me – Débora Silva

When learning a second language not only do you understand the workings of the language, but also the world around you and yourself better.

Learning English changed my life

Change. It is an inevitable five letter word created by God-knows-who to express the most precious gift anyone could ever have: LIFE.  What is life after all, but metamorphosis? We, little creatures, have been changing since our mother’s womb and, until we reach our time to sleep eternally, this process will ever be part of our everyday lives.

Learning a second language and what it means to me - Débora Silva

Over the years I have seen many things changing around me and in me; my room, my house, my city, my country, the world… my age, my hair, my height, my weight, my skin, but most importantly, my mind.The latter is the key that will define all the rest. If turned in one direction, it can lock all the possibilities to a new me and world; the other, however, can open the door to many opportunities to make me evolve as better person and change positively the world.

I can say that learning English changed my life because it changed my mind first. When learning a second language not only do you understand the workings of the language, but also the world around you and yourself better. That, changes everything, literally.

You might have asked yourself: How does it happen? How can things become clearer about the world and myself when learning a second language?

The answer is quite simple although the intricate process of acquiring a second language may suggest otherwise.

While learning a second language you learn to express yourself in a different way, and that experience changes your mind significantly because you are forced to think differently. That is only the beginning of the changing-yourself process.

Later on, since you are able to express yourself in a language that is world-widely spoken, the opportunities to live out the new through international travels becomes feasible. Along the way, you will meet so many cool people with different beliefs, languages and background, which means nothing when you realise that you all have one language in common — English— and the same interest and goal: to live life to its fullest.

Every time you are in contact with a culture different from your own, and every time you let yourself mingle with different people, you gain knowledge about the world in general, not to mention the many life lessons that come with learning a second language. All that, any four-wall classroom or formal schooling will do. Believe me, it’s a teacher speaking here!

Learning a second language and what it means to me - Débora Silva

As a consequence, your perspectives are broadened and changed for the better. When you can look at the world through different lens, a positive one to be more specific, everything around you will change as well. The change that starts within is, then, radiated to your external world which is reflected in every area of your life; your family, your job, your human relations, etc. In other words, the chances for you to succeed as a person are inevitable and limitless!


The cool things about all that is that once you are changed, you have the potential to change people’s lives as well. That can enable us to be more active in the creation of the world we ever wanted. A world of peace, love and hope.

Débora Silva

Learning a second language and what it means to me - Débora SilvaLearning a second language and what it means to me - Débora SilvaLearning a second language and what it means to me - Débora Silva Learning a second language and what it means to me - Débora Silva

This story was submitted by Débora as part of our writing competition this month. Send us your story by 26th October and you could win a £100 Amazon voucher! Find out more about the writing competition.


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