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The English Studio Blog

The English Studio Blog

5 Languages that are going extinct

As English specialists we’re well aware of the reach that this language has, which spans some 400 million people who speak it as their mother tongue, with a further 700…

Best ways to learn English

Everyone has a different best way to remember things. Some of us learn better when things are being explained to us verbally, others by reading, or you might find that watching…

American vs British Words – Part 2

As illustrated in our previous blog, American vs British Words Part 1 , you will often find that the same English word you use in Britain will mean something else entirely…

American vs British Words – Part 1

One of the many interesting things about language is to see how it has evolved. One of the easiest ways to see this is by looking at the differences between British…

How to write an impressive CV

When you are applying for 15 different jobs in just half an hour, it may difficult to spend some extra time on your CV. But this lack of attention may…

The English Studio: Christmas Guide

Christmas Eve (24th December): Many of us will still be working on Christmas Eve but not until very late. Shops will close earlier because there will be reduced service on tube…

Course + Accommodation = £400!

£400 for 2 Weeks of General English 15h + Walking Distance Accommodation in Twin Room! The English Studio is offering course and accommodation in a prime location for our students…

Lost in Pronunciation?

The correct pronun­ci­ation of some London place names are totally unguessable. They may be obvious to Brits but can be baffling to everyone else. Certain well-​​known London addresses can be…

Best Art Galleries in London

The festive period has passed and you are returning to work or study feeling a bit gloomy. Or you may have got a bit carried away and are now trying…
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